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Now, back to the issue of WTF. This is like a case study in being a degerate. A harem of underage dictators. That is astounding. I mean does someone think that's hot, or is it just an attempt to actively be as messed up as possible? I'm just asking.

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My roster would be Adolphine, Franklin, Cornelia, Kim, Charlize, Musha, Ernesta, Paola, Hideko, and Roberta. Roberta is the odd one, but I think early capital will be important. And at once per month that can gain genuine clout, I guess with no risk.

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Ignoring the extremely WTF nature of this for a moment. I think realistically the only way to succeed reliably is by heavy use of kim, cornelia, and charlize to cause a unifying political movement of some kind in the global south.

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