URL Changes

URL Changes

We have been working on the back end code quite a bit working on optimizations and ensuring solid maintainable code. As a result deletion URL's have changed slightly. Instead of looking like this:


We have changed to the following to maintain consistency with the rest of our post routes:


Please adjust accordingly, and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Service Degradation

Service Degradation

We are aware of an issue causing a degradation of service when loading images and are actively working to resolve it.
We believe we have narrowed down the cause and it should be resolved for all users shortly.

The GIF And Patreon Update

The GIF And Patreon Update

Today we rolled out code to convert GIFs to MP4 after uploading your post.
You won't be slowed down by this, as it will happen in the background and update once completed.

Converted GIFs are tremendously smaller than their original file size, which allows them to load at a much faster speed while also cutting down the bandwidth costs of the site. Mobile devices especially seem to have a much better go at loading the videos as opposed to a large GIF.
Both files will be available to you still, and the image links option will still provide a GIF.
I will continue to monitor and enhance this code over the coming weeks and months. I wanted to roll it out a bit at a time to help find and sort any issues.
By the end of this implementation we should be accepting all videos as an upload type as well.

I also added links to Patreon as we have had some users ask about donating to the site. I'd like to make a go at Patreon as I'd prefer to keep the site ad free.
Users at the $5 level and higher will receive merchandise after 3 months subscribed, from a sticker, to a mug or t-shirt.
Subscribers also get a name/message on a forthcoming contributor page.

I am working out more perks for being a patron, and all of that will come in time.

I appreciate everyone's support and if you have any questions or concerns, or find an issue with the latest update, don't hesitate to reach out.

The Dark Mode Update

The Dark Mode Update

We have rolled out the dark mode update today. You can find options to toggle between light and dark mode in your account settings. Dark mode will also be enabled by default if you have your device set to do so.

We may be tweaking it over the coming weeks and welcome your feedback or suggestions. This has been on the project list for some time and has been one of the more requested features.

Please contact us, or comment below if you have any questions, comments, or thoughts on improving Image Chest.

Happy First Birthday!

Happy First Birthday!

Image Chest turned one year old on September 24th, and has a full 12 months of data in as of yesterday.

In the past year you have uploaded over 20,000 images and we have served almost half a million page views. We can't wait to see what the next year brings!.

We pushed some updates today that are all back end updates, as well as fixed an API bug when trying to submit an anonymous post. Make sure to contact us if anything seems off as the back end updates were numerous.

Please comment here or contact us if you have any questions or comments. We love getting user feedback as we continually work to improve the site.

Showing 11 to 15 of 24 blog posts.
5 Million Files!
5 Million Files!
July 31, 2024
Image Chest Gold
Image Chest Gold
January 2, 2024
The Two Factor Update
The Two Factor Update
December 31, 2023
One Million Files
One Million Files
July 29, 2023