Image Chest turned one year old on September 24th, and has a full 12 months of data in as of yesterday.
In the past year you have uploaded over 20,000 images and we have served almost half a million page views. We can't wait to see what the next year brings!.
We pushed some updates today that are all back end updates, as well as fixed an API bug when trying to submit an anonymous post. Make sure to contact us if anything seems off as the back end updates were numerous.
Please comment here or contact us if you have any questions or comments. We love getting user feedback as we continually work to improve the site.
In the past year you have uploaded over 20,000 images and we have served almost half a million page views. We can't wait to see what the next year brings!.
We pushed some updates today that are all back end updates, as well as fixed an API bug when trying to submit an anonymous post. Make sure to contact us if anything seems off as the back end updates were numerous.
Please comment here or contact us if you have any questions or comments. We love getting user feedback as we continually work to improve the site.